What have to do, it's a game.... score? points? missions? levels?
Nothing at all. Just freedom. Freedom to do what you want, talk with people from all over the world, have fun and laugh, discover, dance, fly, and so on.
With all these things in hands, well you know... too much can let you lose your mind easily.
I had a moment of confusion, then... let's go Mus... discover this weird world!!!
So I did, with lot of pleasure.
First place it's not so interesting, just a tutorial explaining you what to do, how to move and so on.
Then you choose your preferred place and... teleport.
Captain Kirk, Spock, here I am. Teleport me to another place, thanx. Yep smth like this.
You move in this way from a place to another, Australia - New York just 2 seconds. Wow. No jet-lag. Double wow.
And the adventure can start, you can choose the place you want just writing a word, then fly'n'try.
Sounds great? Yep. Sounds easy? Yep yep. Sounds amazing? Ohhh yep yep.
The world is yours, bite it.
You walk to new lands, visit lot of places, talk and play.
Magic things called poseballs let you to dance, sit, eat, and well.... have sex (yep) so all is possible.
Try them, usually it's funny, sometimes.... naaa always funny :-)
Oh you can visit the Eiffel Tower or the Roman Empire, or a volcano....
The unique limit is your fantasy and the land owner fantasy.
Indiana Jones will envy you my friend... ohhh so much to visit and so few time to see all!!!
Take your time, SL is waiting you.
As a newbie (person just arrived in SL) I visited beaches clubs and great places at first, then..... you can expand your adventures in great places, really made for 110% fun.
Where? Where you want. Really. It's a promise.