Well I never thought to know everything about life, i'm not so stupid, just life teached me to find solutions in myself, without external help. A security box where to close myself trying to find the solution.
It worked but... two minds are better than one, my friend. Especially when two minds work so close together.
Maybe these few things won't help you to find your way but... there's always another point of view to look at things so stop a bit and take a look.
Think and, if possible, talk.
Talk to your best friend, the one who always listen you and I bet you will find solutions deep in yourself thanking your friend too.
Oh don't think I'm changed my mind in just a second. Nope, not possible. Me... lol. Naaa.
But I learn quickly, I can understand when I make mistakes and try to not do them again.
Is not easy to talk with people and feel what they are feeling, is like to read between lines and find the right thing you have to say.
And double action too... read and write between lines, oh my god what a hard work...
Well... I dunno if it's the solution.... if u can't write between lines.... put it into lines...
Just talk and explain.
And listen, obviously, take care of words and words will help you.
Give the right weight to words, ponder what you are writing or saying and all will be better.
Especially when your mood is not so high... mmmmm red light, alarm alarm.
Anyway I'm living a special moment, just sunshine time and I bet you can feel my mood in what I'm writing.
Sooooooo..... if you can feel it here, and we never talked together... you can understand it always works.
And believe me, it works. Yep yep.
Just take time.
Especially when you take care about people and don't want to make disasters.
Oh I know you prefer to run like a rabbit doing what is passing in your burning brain, destroying all around you like Klingons can't do better but... why.
Wait a minute damn.
Breathe and relax.
Switch off your destroyer and reset your ticking mind for a second.
Then if you really have to destroy well... do it, but I think you will change your mind.
When I met Zena all was different, I was fierce with myself cause I knew to be able to do everything being alone.
Now... mmmmm.... I know I can do it, but it's better to do it with her, ohh yeahh.
We was lost souls, just like music instruments playing alone.
Now we play like an orchestra, a great one.
Sometimes we can get a wrong note but music is always great.
And more time we pass together more the music is wonderful.
Thanking her I learned a lot of things, new and great.
The greatest? Now I know what means to love and be loved. The mystery disappeared finally. Yay!!!
Ohhh I heard a "tell me tell me"....
Mmmm nope my friend, sorry about that.
Pat on shoulder, like a real friend, but I smile and leave you trying to find it.
Won't be so easy, I waited years, but when you will find it you will agree with me, tasting your moment of glory like I'm doing. Ohh, this is a beerware advice, remember it ;-)
Remember.... best things always comes to those who wait.
And for you, Zena... pondering my words, and giving them the right weight....
I love you with all myself. XXX