Well, when she's not online I am a bit disoriented, usually she's there more often than me but anyway, SL is so full of things to do... I can simply explore.
Thanx to SL cause sometimes you click on teleport and..... it crashes. That's all.
So... okay. Uff. I'm here... I clear the cache, I wait, then relog.
I logged with a blue window telling Viv, an old (so damn old) friend of mine was online, a second after me.
Like SL wanted to say hey, Mus... take a look, your friend is online after a century!!!
Oh God.
My friend, a kind girl met at june, stopped to walk in SL at september.
We passed a lot of time together, talking while dancing. Great moments I can't forget. So you can imagine.
I removed a lot of names from the list of my friends especially who was online but never talked with. Not her, never. I was sure she will be here again. Only waited. A lot. Then now, she's online. Wow.
I sent an IM to her (IMed? mmm dunno): Viv?
I wasn't sure. Is she? Really? Damn fool of a man, who you want is. Bah. Yes was her.
I was so happy. Her back again. Wow. We talked. And danced. As old times.
Not as old times cause since september SL is changed a lot. Our preferred place, SOTB is gone, disappeared. And the rest of the world is changing, if not changed yet.
I told her a lot of things happened here, first of all my partnering with Zena and her was happy.
I felt smth is changed in our ways to talk, I know. Now it's a bit different.
It's so weird. SL seems to be a game but it's not. It's really a second life. With every feeling you can live in your first life.
So I told her. Had to do it cause it's what I feel.
You are a special friend and you know. Friendship will be forever. I feel it and I believe in it.
Viv I want to be your friend, talking with you like we did in past. No more. But no less too.
When she left SL I knew it was only for a period and damn I suffered a lot, cause I was used to talk with her about things of every day.
I met Zena and Viv at same time, passed more time with Viv till she left, then I knew Zena more, and more, and more.
Till partnering with her. The best thing I did in SL.
This doesn't mean I have to leave a friend only cause I'm partnered.
I will be your friend Viv, no way.
Some of others didn't understood it, too possessive with me to put me in conditions to choose: or me or her. Well I choosed. Zena. Always. I haven't to think.
I know Viv will never put me in this condition. She's intelligent. I know. Damn how much she is.
Like diamonds... love is forever and friendship, the real one, is forever too.
I'm happy she's back again and I think she feels it, once Zena and Viv will met and I will be happy cause the two best person I know will meet.
Well... Viv, welcome back my friend.