Well, since I started to walk in SL I never thought to spend more than what I earn sooooo.... mmmm camping camping and camping....
For newbies camping is nothing more than that funny outdoor recreational activity usually done by campers... tent, roulotte and so on.
Well... not here. Lol.
Here to camp means stay in a place, doing something boring, most of time waiting, earning some money (a few) after a bit of time (a lot).
There are different types of camp: you can dance, sit on a chair, sunbathe, clean the floor or paint a wall.
Oh once I found a nice place where to camp you had to stay in a grave, under earth with legs out of it. Funny.
Anyway... focusing.
Well u camp, it means u choose your favourite thing to do and stay there with a lot of other campers, earning.
When u finish your time u receive money. Like a sort of job in effects, yep, but boring, and low-payed.
If you crash, and SL crashes continuously, u don't earn. If u jump away, u don't earn. Damn.
Usually 15 minutes there for 1L$.
I never liked this sort of thing cause you have to stay in position for long times only to earn some dozen of dirty dollars... I am a free spirit, I need to explore and change places!!!
So well.... I never bought a lot.
Oh SL offers you tons of free things, you can have everything for free... near to everything... well... something... mmmm every craps u see all around, lol.
So no change. Money. Money. And Money.
Pay with your Paypal or your CC and another world opens arms to you, shouting WELCOME, all capital letters.
When I met Zena I noticed she was different compared to others, not only cause she's special inside but cause... she was (and she is) sexy. More than others. Why?
Mmmm really are u asking?
Dam... SHOPPING!!!!! Hey... focus!!! Lol
Not only what she wears but hair, eyes, skin, shapes, HUDs, and so on.
And furnitures, gestures, everything this weird world can give you.
Ohhh I could talk for ages to explain you everything you can buy here my friend! Tons of things!
I will do it, later, sure.
But now....
Well I decided to do the step. Shopping.
I bought smth, lots of doubts. Mmmmm this will be nice? And that? Ohhh this could be great but.... ohh how much it costs....
Well u know... like rolling down a hill... when you have speed you roll like crazy.
I spent a fortune.
Shopping addict. Damn.
But funny thing is to go shopping with my other half, I love it cause we have a lot in common and everything become funny for us.
So... hair, first step. Then eyes. Then wears. Then all the rest. Lol. Terrible.
I will tell you everything about my first gifts to myself.
Now I found some interesting shops where I can buy my favourite things.
Since I started SL I had only a couple of jeans, some shoes and some shirts, no more.
You don't need to change wears here, you can't dirt or damage them!
Now.... mmm lot of different suites.
Some to dance in elegant places, some sexy suites to feel me interesting, lol, some easy-wearing for beach, gothic wears, armours and so on.
Yep. Great. Eyes have their part.
So... what I need now.... mmmm let's see....
ohhh a new tshirt. yep.
then a gift for my baby. smth special for a special lady.
and shoes. elegant. last pair was not so good. mmmm
Ohhh damn I have to run or I won't do everything in time....
See ya my friends... shopping's calling. xxx